The Vatican – the state of the Church




Kat Steppe


Jo Badisco, Wannes Peremans & Rik Torfs



International distribution

Federation Studios

World premiere

Séries Mania 2024



The documentary series The Vatican – the state of the Church enters Pope Francis’ inner circle. Honorary rector and professor of canon law Rik Torfs engages in deep conversation with cardinals, bishops, and members in every echelon of the organization and explores how they lead their 1.4 billion followers.

Never before has the Vatican faced so many scandals, never before has the Catholic Church been so torn on several themes. This series centralizes some of those Achilles heels and shows how Pope Francis is trying to modernize the Church, but how his efforts clash with the centuries-old structures and customs of the Roman Curia, the powerful governing body in Rome. Is he performing genuine change for the future or rather securing almighty papal power? And how rigid are the views of his church leaders?

In six episodes, director and International Emmy nominee Kat Steppe portrays the 2000-year-old and global organization from within, focusing on the major challenges the global Church, mainly dominated by white clergymen, is facing in the 21st century.

The Vatican – the state of the Church narrates from the heart of the catholic world in Rome while following God’s voice to the catholic community all over the world. The series shows Western religious leaders struggling with empty churches and a loss of influence on society while simultaneously portrays Congolese clergy in the vibrant and growing catholic movement in Africa.
